duminică, 25 martie 2012

How To Optimize GNS3 for a CCNA Lab

Actually, a lot of people uses GNS3 (Graphical Network Simulator) software to emulate Cisco devices, especially Cisco Routers. However, few of them know how to optimize GNS3 in order to function correctly and do not disrupt their computers.
Once that you will have purchased an IOS image and will have begun the emulation of a Cisco router, it is very common that the Dynamips crashes if you do not make certain additional adjustments. This occurs because the Dynamips server consumes all the cycles available of your processor. In addition, GNS3 makes your computers CPU heat and pushes your computer to be turned off unexpectedly after little time. You can check consumption using to the top command, the process to be supervised is dynamips-0.2.8 .

The first optimization to be made is a must, and it is to find the optimal Idle PC value for your Cisco IOS image. Follow these steps in order to get it:
1 . add a router to your topology and click on Start to begin the emulation.
2 . Once the router started, execute the top command to supervise CPU consumption of the Dynamips process.
3 . Right click on the router and then click on Idle PC in order to calculate a new value.
4. Once GNS3 diaplays the calculated values, choose one, apply there and note it (in order to have all the values already applied).
5 Check the consumption of dynamips on the exit of the top command.
6 Repeat the steps 1-5 until finding the optimal value for your Cisco IOS image Idle PC.

If you changed your Cisco IOS image, then you should repeat the process about in order to get the optimal value for the IDLEPC parameter. Additionally, if you build complex network topologies with more than 12 routers, then it is recommend to acquire a powerful computer such as a PC with a Core 2 Quad CPU.

The CCNA exam is not an easy exam, and I suggest you to get CCNA labs to pass you exam and build up your routing and switching skills.

access point vs router

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