sâmbătă, 28 iulie 2012

How to Configure Port Forwarding on a Netgear Router - Computers - Networks

The article intends to describe how a Netgear router can be configured to forward ports to. The methods described here are reliable and correct until date. It is still recommended that users follow the instructions accurately to save themselves from running into problems. This will eventually save their time and money that would otherwise be spent looking for Netgear router support.

Need help forwarding ports to access certain applications like web hosting, online gaming, or networking etc.? If yes, then the article is for you. The below mentioned guide will enable you to perform the desired task on your own. This will essentially save you from looking Netgear technical support.


Make a wired connection directly to the Netgear router using an Ethernet cable if you only have one computer at your home. If there is more than one computer, then make any one of them as a wired one. Separate the internet modem if it is connected in between.

Launch Internet Explorer or whichever browser you use. Type '' (without quotation marks and as is) in the address box of the browser and hit Enter on the keyboard.

This will prompt for you user name and password. Enter these in the relevant fields and then click on the OK or Enter button to proceed. This will open up the router Setup Wizard screen.

Click on the Services option under Content Filtering. Click on the Add Custom Service button to bring up the Add Services screen. Under Service Definition next to Name, type a name (any name of your choice), choose the type of port viz. TCP or UDP against the Type box, and enter port numbers in the Start Port and Finish Port fields. When done, click on the Apply button.Click on the Firewall Rules link on the left hand side pane. Click on the Add button either under the Inbound Services or Outbound Services category. Select the name of your service from the dropdown list next to Service, select ALLOW Always from next to Action, enter required information like IP address for the server. When done, click on the Apply button and then exit the router's interface.

You can also assign a static IP address to your router and then follow above mentioned instructions to do port forwarding. You can also download and install a free static IP address setup program from a trusted website. The program will automatically setup a static IP address for the router.

Do not forget to disconnect the Ethernet cable if you don't want to use a wired connection.

Additional Tips:

Here is the list of common services that use different port numbers. HTTP, 80; TELNET, 23; AOL Instant Messenger, 5190; AOL, 5190-5193; POP3, 110; SMTP, 25; mIRC, none; FTP, 21; and PPTP, 1723 among others. Rests can be checked online or with Netgear router support.

It is to be kept in mind that Windows, Mac, and UNIX use the identical port numbers. You must also check your router manual for the port types namely TCP or UDP.

access point vs router

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