vineri, 15 noiembrie 2013

Using Router As Wireless Bridge-how to connect several wired devices to home wireless network - Computers - Networks

A wireless network bridge or wireless LAN bridge is a wireless connection of two wireless bridging routers. Once the routers are connected they also act as wireless bridge adapters for devices connected to their LAN ports. This article explains why you need wireless bridge and how to setup a wireless bridge.

What is a Wireless LAN Bridge

Wireless LAN bridge is the connection two wireless routers, which are connected through 802.11n/g/b protocols. Once connected the routers act as wireless bridge adapter for the local devices connected to their LAN ports.

Why Do I need Wireless LAN Bridge

Wireless LAN can be useful in many scenarios. If you want to setup a home network where there several devices which need to be connected to the Internet. If the device has only Ethernet ports then it needs to kept near the main wireless router.

Alternatively you can use one wireless bridge adapter per device to connect the main wireless router.

Instead of using several wireless bridge adapters you can get another wireless router and connect it to the main wireless router. The additional wireless router will provide several ports.

How to find a router which can act as a wireless bridge

Most of the wireless routers do not support wireless network bridging. Lot of manufacturers do make wireless bridging feature available in their firmware.

For the list or routers that support wireless bridge go to /routers-with-wireless-bridge-capabilities

Or you will have to pickup routers which support DD-WRT or the routers which support Wireless Access Point mode. See Selecting Wireless Bridging Routers.

How to setup wireless bridge

In order to connect the routers you need set main router which is connected to Internet as DHCP server. Setup the second router in Wireless Client. Program the SSID and Security key same as the first router. Once this is done correctly second router will find the first router.

For more information on how to setup a wireless bridge between two routers and for useful information on other home networking tops visitEasy Home Networking GuideAlso checkout Home Networking Forum

access point vs router

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