The main advantage of a point to point T1 line is that it is genuinely private, making it the top option for those who demand a circuit capacity with a dedicated connection exclusively to their business, therefore offering the highest security available. There is no question that this is the same type of Line used back in the years along with world leading technology companies such as IBM as the top source of dependable bandwidth for all types of company sizes today. Despite the heavy competition of newer technologies, T1 lines can compete due to its reduced price plus the fact that these circuits are very reliable. This allowed several T1 Lines to continue to grow at a rate of 15% each year, even in recent years. You may have a company home office in one town with hundreds of phone lines and large Internet access pipes installed at one location to get the best rates available. This kind of company can use a point to point T1 to send out any combination of Internet access, telephone lines and data between offices to share systems of software and provide inside-office dialing from sites across the country.
There are endless variables because there are no constraints on how point to point T1 can be used, assuming you have the proper equipment and a source at one P2P end. Although VoIP services can be used across all types of high bandwidth lines and the business class services are chiefly offered on T1 lines. This is very important in the world of telecommunications and bandwidth, because it validates the T1 line as the most cost efficient method for delivery among the most reliable bandwidth. In other words, a company cannot afford to rely on a volatile Internet connection such as DSL or Cable for carrying VOIP because they could risk losing up to 100% of their communication capabilities. T1 connections do not provide telephone lines or T1 Internet access or act as transport for both. This point-to-point T1 is often referred to as "P2P" and provides a very reliable and secure connection, usually from a corporate office to any satellite offices.
Although a point to point T1 does not actually provide phone lines or Internet access, corporations make use of these lines to share for these services. Because there are so many uses for T1 Line, including the outbreak of new technologies like Voice over IP, these circuits remain as a key ingredient to the success of many businesses that rely on Data Connectivity, Internet and Telecommunications for years to come. Voice over IP is considered the next big thing in telecommunications industry. This product come as an excellent way to save money, because a branch office or satellite might have to pay huge prices for telephone and other bandwidth services directly installed, whereas the home office may get better rates due to factors such as packaged buying and location. Compared to other options a P2P network is usually not very cost efficient. Frame Relay and VPN are other options to consider depending on a company's business needs and applications.
access point vs router
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