Implement a few simple action steps and eliminate your computer repair bill. 1. Avoid free peer-to-peer file sharing programs. Peer-to-peer file sharing programs have been known to carry adware/spyware payloads. 2. Make sure that your virus program is scanning all your email attachments in addition to the files on your computer. Verify emails with attachments by calling or emailing the sender for verification. 3. Check website security. Whenever inputting private financial information into a web form, make sure the site hosting the form is secure. The URL web address should begin with https instead of just http. Also, in Internet Explorer and Firefox you should also notice the lock icon in the lower right of the browser frame. Double click on the icon to view the page security. 4. Update Windows with the latest service pack. To identify which version of Windows you're running: Open Control Panel then Open the System icon. On the General tab under the System section note your Windows version; also note the Service Pack number (if no service pack is listed, note that too). Alternatively, right click on the My Computer icon and choose Properties from the popup menu. 5. Enable Automatic Updates - open Control Panel>Automatic Updates, select Automatic (Recommended). 6. Make sure that you are using the latest version of your web browser, whether it's Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome, Opera or another browser. To find the version, choose Help>About from the menu bar. For Chrome, click the wrench icon then About. 7. Install an anti-virus program and make sure that it is scheduled to receive updates automatically. google_ad_client = "pub-2311940475806896"; /* 300x250, created 1/6/11 */ google_ad_slot = "0098904308"; google_ad_width = 300; google_ad_height = 250; Several years ago it was acceptable to update your anti-virus definitions once a week. In today's virus ridden environment the best anti-virus programs update at least once or even twice a day. 8. Install an anti-spyware program. There are many free anti-spyware programs such as Spybot Search & Destroy, Spywareblaster and Malwarebyte's Anti-Malware. Be sure to update them regularly. Most of the free versions require manual updates so consider spending a few dollars for the paid version and get scheduled updates automatically. 9. Use a "software" firewall. Make sure that you are using a firewall program and it is active. Windows has a built-in firewall; just make sure it's active by checking it's settings in Control Panel. There are also many free firewall programs. Google "free firewall" and include the quotes. 10. Use a "hardware" firewall. If you have a broadband Internet connection through a router you most likely have a firewall built-in to the router. Gather the make and model number of your router, go to the manufacturer's website and find the installation and configuration manuals to ensure that the firewall is active and configured properly. Do not assume it is check and verify. This "hardware" firewall should be used in addition to the software firewall on your computer. If you just received your router you can contact the provider to insure it's configured correctly.
access point vs router
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