The PS3 DNS error that many people are having, is a common problem among the Playstation 3 users. Whenever you want to play a game online, there will be a DNS error popping up, and it's quite obvious that this is in a need of a fix, but how? You see, it's hard to fix something you don't know anything about, but with the tips and option I am giving you, you simply cannot fail! Check out the tips and options below. How To Fix PS3 DNS Error Shut down your modem, after that's done put your modem on again. It this did not work properly, you are in need to check if the router it's firmware is in need of an update. If the UPnP and the media center connectivity is turned on, turn it off. Both can cause the error that your Playstation 3 is having. If this is not what's going on, move on to your next steps to take! How To Fix The Error With Your Router. Go grab your router, and check it's status area. Look at the DNS IP Adresses that you will see. Write them down on a piece of paper, and go back to your PS3. Put the address into the menu, but do it like this: Put the second IP adress you've writing on the piece of paper down as the first one. And the first one as the second one. This might sound confusing but just read it on a few times. Nothing Worked? Time To Use A Guide? If the steps on how to fix PS3 DNS error didn't work, or you didn't understand how apply this information. Than I'd recommend you Get A Repair Guide. This may cost some money, but so does paying for a new router. Know what I mean? If you want to have fun, nothing will be for free, unfortunately. google_ad_client = "pub-2311940475806896"; /* 300x250, created 1/6/11 */ google_ad_slot = "0098904308"; google_ad_width = 300; google_ad_height = 250;
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