Consequently, even basic requirements such as simultaneously opening two programs will become difficult, as well as forcing the computer to overheat to compensate for the lack of speed, which may lead to unfixable damage. You can find very simple ways to avoid these scenarios with these straightforward guidelines that can be implemented in a cheap, quick and effective way that requires little technical know-how. Below are 's top tips for making the most of office computers: 1. External hard drives - Regardless of the work that the office does, it is vitally important to frequently backup documents and other data, in case of a serious fault. Using a portable hard drive, this is easy to achieve, as they are high-spec, offering a sizeable amount of space. These are a great way of ensuring that you always have your documents for future use, no matter what happens to the computer. 2. Buy a second router. Most companies today will use online facilities; trading, researching or building sites, the world wide web is an integral part of a number of businesses. Consequently, this can cause heavy traffic on a single router, which can contribute to a major decrease in speed. By using two routers, you will notice a significant increase in internet speed and wireless reach. 3. De-fragment and delete - Some employees may have to install programs on their computers simply to be used only once and not needed again. Some of these programs may open on start-up, which can sap memory and space, - you can, however, disable these at start-up or simply uninstall them. Simply open the Start bar -> Control Panel -> Uninstall, or for stopping programs opening at start-up, press the windows key and R, type in msconfig.exe, navigate to the start up tab and un-tick programs that are not needed. 4. google_ad_client = "pub-2311940475806896"; /* 300x250, created 1/6/11 */ google_ad_slot = "0098904308"; google_ad_width = 300; google_ad_height = 250; You may want to have a central computer. In most cases, a computer will run slowly because it does not have enough memory, so it could be a good idea to have central computer and then connect this to the individual computers. Then this central hub would have enough memory for all of your work-related tasks and it would not be as slow as your current system. As a result, you could connect to the network by making use of a portable tablet, like an iPad. The you could research apple mac hire, as a mac can still give you all the benefits of a stand alone machine. 5. Keep desktop screen clear, imagine your desktop screen as your worktop. You can be as productive as possible if you keep it well maintained and tidy. Sort your folders properly - for further organisation, separate the folders by date. Whilst doing this will not speed up the performance of the system, it does make sorting and simplifies document checking. 6. Purchasing and installing the latest OS. Whilst this might seem like an expensive measure, you will see a massive advantage to keeping your OS updated. As computers age rapidly, an up-to-date OS is a fantastic way to maximise your compatibility with other programs. There are a plethora of methods with which to increase the speed of computers - some which will be more expensive and time-consuming to install; however these are a great way to make work simpler and positively influence productivity.
access point vs router
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