Do you want to host your own website? If so, this article will give you best information hosting your own website. Nowadays, everyone have their presence online through either blogs or website. Apart from that, everyone is connected to each other with various social media networks. This helps you to keep your knowledge updated on regular basis. Today, you can create your own website and host it on a server to make your presence on the web. You can create a personal website or an information based site. The main advantage is that you can create it sitting at home. This was an impossible task a decade ago to create a website at home and host on a web server. When you have a decided to host your own site, clear all the data from your computer. Make sure your computer is clean without any important data or information. The best machine to host your website will be a desktop than a laptop. Desktops will allow you to extend the site in the future. The first step is to install a web server application on your computer like Apache. When you are installing the web server application, it will ask you for the DNS server, IP address and domain name. You can leave the columns blank for now especially if you are not using a domain name. When the application is installed on your computer, the application will give you options to copy data and pictures in the website folders that are mentioned while installing the application. Once you copy the data to the application, it will be visible to everyone on the internet. google_ad_client = "pub-2311940475806896"; /* 300x250, created 1/6/11 */ google_ad_slot = "0098904308"; google_ad_width = 300; google_ad_height = 250; This is the simple method to host your own website or to host your website free of charge. You can also configure port 80 if you using a router. In case you are not using a router, you can give an IP address instead of a domain name. Now if you enter the IP address in the browser, your site will pull up.
access point vs router
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