When people talk about job security they are usually discussing how likely they are to be fired. The other kind of job security is often overlooked but it should be a major concern. When you are working in a commercial establishment like a bank you will note that thousands of people can come and go as they please through the doors. Yet there are areas within the building that they should never be allowed to enter. Control points should be in place which allow only those with the requisite access control card to enter. If your workplace doesn't have one of those then it is high time that you asked for one. There is no reason why you should ever feel threatened at work so be sure to ask your manager about control points.
In the old days, keys were the be all and end all of security measures. If you wanted to feel secure you simply locked a door. Yet as thieves have evolved, the need for greater security has increased. The vast majority of thieves are able to pick a lock with relative ease which is why measures like HID access cards are so necessary. You may notice that hotels and similar establishments now operate a card swipe system which proves that keys are almost obsolete. While traditionalists may point out that thieves are also able to deal with electronic locks, at least there is a challenge. The control points of different companies will have unique methods of unlocking doors whereas once you have picked one manmade lock you can pick them all.
The level of security used by organizations naturally depends on the amount of employees they have, the number of visitors they have and the information and finance that they are trying to protect. Somewhere like a military HQ for example will have a number of different checkpoints with one access control card unlikely to be enough. A regular company that works from an office building will probably have a control point for all employees and one or two others which will only a llow executives entry to restricted areas of the building.
Of course it will not always be a door that requires an access control card. Control points can also consist of gates or elevators as long as they provide a stiff barrier. Control points that are activated by electronic means possess a fantastic amount of information. If you are an employee of a company, your information should be on the company's computer database. If your details are not accurate, you will not be allowed to go beyond the control point. Very occasionally, someone from the security team will make a mistake so if they do, it's up to you to point it out immediately to alleviate any confusion.
Without HID access cards and proper electronic security, an organization is placing itself at serious risk of infiltration from hackers or agents from another company who wish to steal sensitive information from you. So if you're an executive of a business, be sure that your company's restric ted areas and files are not in danger of falling into the wrong hands.
access point vs router
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