If you have been given points on your license it will have been because you will have violated road traffic laws. As car insurance premiums are generally calculated by your risk, any points you have on your license will cause your insurance premiums to be very expensive. It can prove difficult to find cheap car insurance with points on your license, which is why it is recommended that you should take care whilst on the roads and follow the Highway Code and road traffic laws.
Anyone that is convicted of an offence that has breached road traffic law, in which they received points on their license, would result in a considerable rise in their insurance premium. When a driver has a more serious conviction, such as dangerous driving, they may find it hard to get insured at all as many companies tend to refuse, a driver with this type of conviction, a competitive insurance policy. If you have a serious driving conviction it is advisable that you get some helpful advice from a solicitor who specialises in road traffic law to ensure you get the best possible outcome.
It can be very difficult to find insurance with points on your license, as a variety of points can be placed on your license for a number of different offences, these are as follows:
3 to 6 points for speeding
3 points for jumping a red light
6 to 8 points for driving with no insurance
3 to 9 points for a careless or dangerous driving
5 to 10 points for failing to stop in the event of a accident
By not follow road traffic law you could get a substantial amount of points on your license, which is why you should always drive safely. As any penalties on your drivers license will remain on records for 11 years, your insurance premiums can be negatively affected for a long time.
The average car insurance premium with no points on your license will be considerably lower than if you have a conviction and points on your license. This increase will be based on the length of time that has passed since the date of the offence and the number of points that the driver has received. If you had 6 points on your license you can expect an increase of anything between 7.91% to 24.35% and this would all depend on how much time has passed since the incident. If you had 9 points on your license and were looking for insurance within two years since the incident you will be forced to pay about a 50% increase.
Because of these reasons it is always in your best interests to ensure that you drive carefully and follow road traffic laws. If you do get a conviction I suggest you seek the advice from a specialised road traffic law solicitor.
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