miercuri, 26 iunie 2013

What is Broadband? - Computers - Networks

The term Broadband has been used to describe a number of things over the years, but when you mention Broadband to most people these days, they think of high-speed Internet. The term Broadband Internet is used by service providers to describe the high speed services on offer to connect to the Internet using either DSL (Digital Subscriber Line) services or Cable. A Broadband Router is a device that routes data packets to and from a Local Area Network and the Internet via an interface supporting one of a number of DSL Broadband technologies.The first time I heard the term Broadband was when studying to be a Radio Officer and learning Radio Theory. A Broadband Antenna was one which was not resonant at a particular frequency but would work over a range of frequencies. We used to discuss methods of "Broadbanding an Antenna".In the early 1980s, the ISDN (Integrated Services Digital Network) was devised with what was known as Basic Rate Access with fixed 64Kbps channels and Primar y Rate Access with either 1.544Mbps or 2.048Mbps. Broadband was used to describe ISDN Services above the Primary Rates, and normally referred to Optical Networking with the ITU-T G.707 and G.709 standards.Most households in Western Europe and the US now have some form of Broadband Service for connection to the Internet, and will employ some form of Broadband Router or Broadband Modem to provide that service. What about the technology behind it? The majority of Broadband Internet Services are provided by means of Digital Subscriber Line, and more specifically Asynchronous Digital Subscriber Line (ADSL). Telephone cables have traditionally carried our analogue telephone signals and the associated signalling within the first 4Khz of available frequency response on the cable. ADSL uses more of the available bandwidth on the cable to support both an Uplink and Downlink high-speed modem. The term ADSL comes from the fact that the Uplink and Downlink modems run at different speeds, with the Downlink significantly faster than the Uplink. This is because we often request content from the Internet such as web pages and therefore we need a faster downlink connection to bring that content to us. In most cases we employ a Broadband Router or Modem to provide these services, while at the same time maintaining our traditional telephony service. The first true High Speed ADSL standard known as ANSI T1.413-1998 Issue 2 was released in 1998 and provided for a downstream signal of up to 8Mbps and upstream signal of up to 1Mbps. The speed was dependent upon the length of copper cable on the local loop, with 10,000 - 12,000 feet being common. Further standards continued to be developed to provide these broadband services, and in 2002 the ADSL2 standard was first introduced, which increased the downstream rates to around 12Mbps. This was quickly followed in 2003 by the ADSL2+ Standards which saw a massive increase in Broadband downstream data rates to around 24Mbps. How does ADSL2 and ADSL2+ manage to achieve these faster data rates? They use a type of modulation known as DMT or Discrete Multi Tone which is a form of FDM (Frequency Division Multiplex) where the available bandwidth is split into smaller sub channels that each have a subcarrier which used a form of Phase Shift Keyed Modulation. ADSL2 uses 256 of these sub-channels, each containing a modulated subcarrier with the upper frequency range being around 1.1Mhz. ADSL2+ effectively doubles Broadband speeds by using a wider frequency range up to an upper limit of around 2.2Mhz with 512 sub-channels. The data is fed to the sub-carriers and transmitted in parallel to provide Broadband Speeds of up to 24Mbps.Most service providers in the developed countries are either already providing a Broadband service up to 24Mbps, or will be in the near future, and it will be a version of ADSL2+ that they are using. If you want to take advantage of these fast Internet services then you really ne ed a Broadband Router that supports this technology. Obviously a Broadband Router manufactured before the standards were introduced will not support these faster Broadband speeds, so you may want to consider upgrading your Broadband Router if you are not using a device supplied by your Service Provider.

access point vs router

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