Information is a vital aspect for organizations. It may be about organization itself, about customers, about the competition or the market information and all of these are equally important. Organizations cannot work in a shallow and protected area. It must have collaboration with others, be it outside customers or inside staff, it has to work in collaboration. SharePoint can be seen as an intranet used for the streamlined data collaboration within organization with secured access. It provides the centralized repository to make data access faster and easier and in safe ways as never before.
SharePoint is a solution for many organizational issues like Document management, Enterprise content management, Social applications, Project Management, Forms and workflow management and many more. Let's see issues and solutions one by one.
Enterprise Content Management:
In day to day work organizations generate bulk of content therefore, it needs more and more sophisticated Enterprise Content Management solutions to organize, manage and search content within the enterprise. SharePoint content management allows all users to participate in a governed and compliant content management lifecycle. It allows expertly balanced user experience with policy and process.
Workflow & Form Management
Forms and workflow automation allows automation of eforms, process and approval workflows. SharePoint allows business users to configure the forms and process flow, sets alerts and remainders and change various parameters as needed, in a centralized self service fashion without depending on IT developers constantly.
Social Application
One obvious goal of organizations is to reach to the customers in a much more extensive manner and in a cost effective way. Modern tools are used to achieve this. These tools are user communities, blogs, wikis, mashups, RSS feeds, surveys and other facebook like social applications. SharePoint helping organizations harness synergies, and reduce process and project turnaround times making them more nimble and efficient.
Project Management
SharePoint provides a complete project collaboration solution that allows for centralized web based collaboration, document and content management platform, and provides phase wise project monitoring and reporting dashboards, event triggered alerts, metadata and tagging driven process workflows, and secure access, all in a configurable, seamless, scalable and extensible format.
Document Management
Information discovery within organization is very important to provide the right information at the right time for your users. To meet this specific challenge, a comprehensive document management solution is preferred which centralizes all of your enterprise documents and provides ease of access along with a workflow, meta-data and security to seamlessly manage your document management solutions. SharePoint provides plenty of control over your data it allows managing access.
access point vs router
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