vineri, 30 martie 2012

Being In Touch With What Is

Despite the flavor of vanilla being an assured constant in life, there are always variants to defy the conventional. In a similar sense, broadband routers for home use follow the same principle. Although one functions no different from the other, its identification is marked by a quartet of numbers separated by a period. What is for one manufacturers brand of router may differ by a slight change in number for its competitors. Perhaps it is all a ruse to confuse the general consumer as they all serve the same purpose of singling out a device.

In the event the user is partial to aforementioned address, he or she can choose to go with the flow. However, the naming convention for a router is unlike the Ten Commandments etched into stone tablets. One can opt to change it to a better suited address so long as proper documentation is maintained. As the router forms a gateway or portal of sorts between the home network and the wild world of the web, its job is to maintain a healthy channel of communication whilst keeping unsavory elements at bay.

If one recalls the infamous characters of the gatekeeper and key master, one can thus appreciate what is to ones private network. Since there is no physical gate or key in the picture, one accesses the broadband router by typing this address into ones browser. Upon correct entry of name and password, one is presented with an administrative console. One then has the option to tweak the configuration to suit the needs. In the event familiarity with network configuration is not within ones reach, this is a task best left to a professional as an untoward switch may lead to grave consequences. As hell has no fury like a woman scorned, the similar can be encountered when other users within the home cannot access emails or indulge in their social networking pastimes.

access point vs router

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