Copyright (c) 2010 Peter Rubel
Hyperventilation (or over-breathing) is a common problem among those suffering from panic attacks and some other anxiety disorders. A simple breathing technique is often one of the most effective methods of fighting back and restoring normal calm.
Hyperventilation may in part be caused by some level of anxiety, but it also feeds and heightens anxiety. Hyperventilation apparently feeds anxiety in two ways: (1) by decreasing the oxygen/carbon dioxide exchange efficiency, thus raising carbon dioxide levels in the brain, and (2) by contracting blood vessels and hence blood flow to and from the brain. Typical symptoms of hyperventilation include dizziness, a sense of unreality, numbness in extremeties, and of course feeling faint. One can see how such symptoms of hyperventilation can cause greater anxiety feelings.
To slow one's breathing would seem to be the opposite of helpful. One hyperventilates because one feels an urgent need for more air, not less. In actual immediate danger, one does need more air for "fight or flight." Thus those who suffer from panic or heightened anxiety need to experiment with slower breathing to feel its helpful effects. And they need to practice slower breathing exercises.
Naturally one should normally feel one's breathing is appropriate and comfortable. Breathing at rest should be slower than in physical exercise. Without anxiety or panic, breathing rate may vary depending on lung efficiency, which in turn may vary with bodily health, age, environmental factors, and particular lung-related activities like regular singing or flute playing. Poor breathing habits can be influenced by poor posture, a sedentary lifestyle, allergies, asthma, and so on as well as by anxiety.
Shedding a bad habit and developing a good replacement takes discipline, practice and patience. Although those suffering from anxiety or panic disorder may be motivated to develop better breathing techniques, one should beware of the possibility that failure may strengthen anxious or defeatist thinking patterns. Setting reasonable goals for breathing and sticking to them in practice is what will encourage calm and give victory over fears.
Some variations in methods may still produce positive results. Here is one outline founded on basic principles.
I. Counting while inhaling and exhaling
On average, people breathe at about 12 breaths per minute. Half of that would be nearer to optimal for most.
If it is too distracting to test yourself, have someone with access to a time piece reading in seconds measure the number of your normal, at-rest breaths per minute or the average number of seconds between complete breath cycles--beginning of inhaling to beginning of inhaling or the like.
Set a reasonable goal for yourself for the first three weeks or so of practice. Perhaps inhaling for three seconds, then exhaling for three seconds, but in any case slower than your average according to the test noted above. Once you are well-practiced and comfortable with a slower rate, make it a little slower, say four seconds for inhaling four for exhaling. If you need to adjust your initial goal after a day or two of practice, feel free to do so and proceed from there.
To count seconds, use a watch or other time piece or count "one, one thousand, two, one thousand" and so on in order to approximate seconds. Just try to be consistent. Practice twice per day at regular and set times, once in the morning and once in the evening. More frequently if possible! Practice for five minutes each day for a few weeks. Work your way up to ten minutes for each session. Use a calendar. Write down your times. Be consistent and faithful.
One's goal in breathing exercises is a slower breathing pace. It is also to be prepared to breathe more slowly in a panic attack to gain control over it.
In a panic attack, focus on your breathing. Count out the time between breaths as you do during practice sessions. This exercise will not only reduce your anxiety symptoms, but the mental distraction will help control your negative thinking.
II. Breathing from your abdominal area
But there is more to it. Most of us tend to practice shallow breathing in the upper rib cage area. Breathing efficiency is increased when breathing more deeply. Below the lungs lies a thin muscular sheath called the "diaphragm." Breathing from the abdominal area will help.
Thus one would do best not only to count out breathing cycles inhaling and exhaling, but to do so while breathing deeply from the abdominal area using the diaphragm.
Begin lying on your back or reclining in a comfortable chair. Place your hands or a book on your stomach area--something to alert you to when you breath from the diaphragm and when you revert to shallow breathing.
When breathing from the diaphragm, the stomach region should rise and fall gently as one breathes. The stomach or abdomen should rise on the inhalation and fall when one exhales.
Deep breathing may require patience to start, or if necessary the instruction of a doctor. Mental focus must simultaneously be maintained on both counting or timing one's breaths as well as deep breathing from the abdomen area.
As you probably know, exhaling deeply when you are feeling a little anxious can help you relax a little. And if you breathe deeply instead of in shallow fashion, the practice of breathing more slowly is easier to sustain.
III. Breathing from the nose
Breathing efficiency is further enhanced by breathing through the nose as opposed to the mouth. Often those suffering from anxiety disorders have developed the bad habit of mouth-only breathing.
Nasal breathing has various advantages over mouth breathing. One, the lungs and bronchial tubes become less dehydrated. Proper hydration is key to many cellular functions, as is certainly true here. Second, nasal breathing makes hyperventilation more difficult because the nasal passages are smaller than the mouth-to-lungs passage. Third, nasal breathing may increase blood flow and oxygen in the sinuses--which being near the brain may be helpful. And fourth of course, the sinuses are better equipped to handle dust and local air pollution than mouth breathing.
In other words, one's timed breathing practice sessions should include abdominal breathing through the nose in timed inhalations and exhalations.
IV. Improve other factors
Stress, diet, physical exercise practice, sleep, environmental allergens or toxins, and so on all can affect the pace and efficiency or breathing. Making improvements in such areas may improve breathing and help control anxiety and panic attacks. Getting professional help may be needed or advised.
And in any event, slower, nasal, abdominal breathing is a technique that has already helped many anxiety and panic attack sufferers. It will very probably help you.
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