vineri, 15 martie 2013

What are the Exam Topics for Cisco 642-661 CCIP Configuring on Cisco Routers (BGP) Certification? - Education - College and University

This certification exam for 642-661 exams is the qualifying exam for CCIP certification. CCIP Configuring exam material covers under configuring in Cisco router v3.1 courses. The exams assess candidates to understand the theory of the , the skill to configure in Cisco IOS router, and the skills with troubleshooting. As routing protocol, the is just one of underlying foundation online and in the new technologies.

Here are some guides for the content topics included in the 642-661 exams. On the other hand, some related topics that can come out in the exam delivery.


Given with network scenarios, describe the right usage as well as limitations.

Session establishments - provided typical BGP networks, identify the concept in BGP neighbors and session establishment process

BGP route procedure - given diagram of operational network, identify the inter domain routes processing, the route propagation and the BGP path selections

Basic BGP configuration - gives networks that consist of multiple domains, configure BGP successfully

Troubleshooting and Monitoring BGP - gives configure BGP networks, perform steps needed to right basic configuration errors and verify right operation

Route Choice Using Policy Control

Multi Home BGP Network- gives customer scenes where connection to multiple ISP should be supported

AS Path Filter - gives client scenes where connection to multiple ISP should be supported eagerly configure BGP to control route selections with the use of AS path

Prefix Filter - gives customer scenes where connection to multiple ISP should be configure to control route selections with the use of prefix list filter

Outbound Route Filtering - gives operational networks with the use of outbound route filtering

Route Map as BGP Filter - gives typical networks, right configuration to control routes choice with the use of route maps

Implementing Change in BGP Policy Gives usual BGP networks, configure the course refresh features to minimize impacts of expediting policy update Route Selection with the Use of Attributes BGP Local Preference BGP Path Attributes BGP Multi-Exit- Discriminators BGP CommunitiesCustomer -Provider Connectivity with the BGP Client Connectivity Requirement - Describe the necessities to bond customer networks to Internet in service provider setting Static Routing Toward Client - Gives service provider networks, apply customer connectivity with the use of static routing Customer Multi-Homed into Multiple Service Provider - Gives customer scenes where links to numerous ISPs have to be supported, apply customer connectivity Customers Multi-Homed to Single Service Providers - Gives client scenario where multiple links to ISP have to be supported, apply customer connectivity BGPTransit Autonomous System Packet Forwarding Transit Autonomous System Configuring Transit independent Syst em Transit Autonomous System Functions Monitoring plus Troubleshooting IBGP Transit ASBGP Route Reflectors Beginning of Route Reflector Network Design Route Reflector Configuring plus Monitoring Route ReflectorHighly developed BGP Configurations Limiting Numbers of Prefixes Acquired from a BGP Neighbors AS-Path Prepending BGP Peer Group BGP Routes Flap DampenScaling IGP/ BGP in Service Providers Network Common Routing Issue in Service Provider Network Optical Networking Designs Scaling BGP Service Provider Network

These are the topics that can help you to study and pass 642-661 exams.

access point vs router

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