duminică, 14 octombrie 2012

What are the most Popular HP Routers? - Computers - Hardware

Routers are a very important part of any business, especially if you plan to use the Internet. On the other hand, it is nearly impossible to run a business of any type these days without using the internet. That being said, let's talk a bit about the different types of HP routers that you might use, and through this you may determine which would be best for you and your business.

HP Storage Works N1200-320 4Gb Network Storage Router

Here we have a complete data protection solution that is 1U rack-ready. Not only is it one of the routers that supports Fibre Channel with HP Storage works Optical Jukeboxes, but also high end web-based remote manageability as you would expect with any type of router. It is understood that storage capacity needs to expand every single year with the growing amounts of data in the business world, and with that being the case, storage applications are becoming much more complex. In other words, their function is becoming geared much more towards reducing file size. The needed benefits are being quite nicely provided by this incredible router.

HP ProCurve

This is another great router from HP that weighs about 0.20 ounces, and operates at 2.048 Mbps. The operational temperature can be relatively low at 2 degrees Celsius, though under extreme loads it can actually operate at 122 degrees Celsius which may in fact prompt for additional cooling. Being able to handle this level of heat however makes this device much more acceptable in the majority of corporate situations.

HP ProCurve Secure Router

The ProCurve will not only add a routing solution, but also higher end memory and flexibility. Another thing to remember of course is that with a router of this nature, you will generally find that the level of security increases.

These are three of the more popular HP routers on the market, and for the most part they are well suited to business tasks. That being said it would be a good idea for you to start taking a look at these and perhaps others that might help to boost your productivity. It is important for you to remember that a router is a critical part of your business solutions and in the end you will need to ensure that it not only performs its primary function, but also a number of other functions. Security, broadcast range, and several other items need to be taken into consideration, which differs from home networking options. Business routers need to take a heavier load and many of HP's routers are truly up to the task as you will find out in the near future.

access point vs router

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