Metal recyclers have built thriving businesses around the scrapping, and selling of used metal. People in this field have found that they need access to a range of tools, which vary in size, and purpose. Common examples of metal recycling tools are: balers, aluminum shredders, alligator shears, and auto desolaters. Balers Balers are used to compress scrap metal into box-shaped units, which are easier to stack, and move from one point to another. Balers come in a range of sizes, and can weigh up to more than 25 tons. They are most often used in recycling plants, or centers where great quantities of scrap material are condensed into large bundles, or bales, which can weigh over a half ton. Recent advancements have resulted in more compact balers, which are close to the size of the average refrigerator, and are ideal for use in smaller recycling centers. Aluminum Shredders Aluminum shredders tear aluminum into small shreds, and are used on aluminum products ranging in size from a soda can to a roofing panel. google_ad_client = "pub-2311940475806896"; /* 300x250, created 1/6/11 */ google_ad_slot = "0098904308"; google_ad_width = 300; google_ad_height = 250; This is one of the most important metal recycling tools, and the whole metal recycling process tends to depend on it. The aluminum must first be changed into smaller pieces before it can be melted down, and converted into aluminum for making other things. The shredders vary in size, the one used on beverage cans will be significantly smaller than the shredder used for larger aluminum objects. Alligator Shears Alligator shears assist in taking apart huge pieces of metal that are to be recycled. These shears cut larger materials into smaller pieces of metal, which can then be melted down, and recycled. These are vital metal recycling tools, because they make it possible for the shredders to handle massive materials that would be too difficult, or too large, to digest otherwise. They prepare the scrap for shredding by removing any parts the shredder may not accept, for example fittings. This cleans the scrap, and makes it more valuable, and the finished product is of a higher quality. Auto Depolluters Motor vehicles are among the most difficult items to recycle. This is due to the fact that automobiles have dangerous fluids in them, and some of their parts can become an environmental hazard when left in a landfill. An auto depollution device, removes dangerous fluids, such as antifreeze, and engine oil. Auto depolluters also remove recyclable parts, like balancing weights, and wheels. Metal recyclers also need cranes, to lift large quantities of metal and load them into other machines, or they can be used to sort large metal bundles. Since we live in a world of limited resources, metal recycling is very important, and metal recycling tools go a long way in making that entire process easier.
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