Let's be honest with ourselves for a minute now: who would rather live in a polluted, congested and noisy city when they could be living out on the open land in a pristine environment with plenty of glorious open spaces and fresh air all around?! Though our society has long held the bias that rural inhabitants are generally less fortunate than urban residents, the fact is that there is a growing trend among people of all socioeconomic classes to leave the city behind and strike out into the countryside in search of new opportunities and a healthier lifestyle. Of course, certain limitations have always conditioned this search for a successful life out in rural areas of the nation: principal among them would be the supposed lack of access to information, a problem that is simply not acceptable in what is referred to as the �information age.' After all, who can afford to be using a dial-up internet connection in the age of high speed broadband internet services?! Thankfully, the re's a wonderful (and affordable) service known as satellite internet that is completely changing everything about living out in rural areas, and it could be your ticket to finding the kind of life you want in a new place�or for improving the life you already have out in a rural community. To put it in simple terms, satellite internet is almost single-handedly revolutionizing life for rural residents, putting them on an equal footing with all the city slickers. Access to high speed internet is, more than a commodity, a necessity these days: without it, you can pretty much kiss goodbye any hopes or plans for excelling at whatever it is you do. That applies equally for rural farmers as for rural lawyers and pretty much any kind of professional description�everyone needs the web these days, plain and simple. Of course, dial-up is the equivalent of a moped alongside the racecar that broadband internet could be compared to, and rural folks are well aware of this reality (since they've had to ride that moped for long enough now). The chance to get a broadband connection is, therefore, something that no person in rural USA can afford to pass up. google_ad_client = "pub-2311940475806896"; /* 300x250, created 1/6/11 */ google_ad_slot = "0098904308"; google_ad_width = 300; google_ad_height = 250; To get into the specifics of satellite internet, rural residents will be pleased to know that a satellite connection could give them access to speeds rising above 3 or 4 Mbps�which is the equivalent of 50-times the speed their dial-up connection can give them. Those are the kinds of speeds that businesses more than individual, private users need, and that means the opportunity to use the internet for more than personal entertainment purposes. Then, there is also the fact that any satellite internet connection can be turned into the access point for multiple computers or even mobile devices through the creation of a wireless local area network, contrary to what many people think about one satellite dish connecting only one machine at a time. There are many more juicy details that we don't have time to mention here, all of which goes to show that satellite internet is changing rural living, and for the better!
access point vs router
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