Objective: In this lab you will configure a simple network to enable two routers to route packets between to remote networks. The text that is in bold may be the text you need to kind during the lab. Requirements: Setup: Step 1: Physical Connections Connect the following interfaces: Step two: Boot up the routers Just say "no" to make use of the setup mode (setup dialogue). The setup mode will only allow you to configure the router using the standard features and not with any advanced capabilities. If asked if you would like to terminate the auto configuration; say "yes". Let the routers finish booting. Step three: Host Name and Passwords Start your configuration with the host name and passwords. This is to remind you of what router you are configuring and now's the time to begin thinking about router security. RouterA router>en router#config t Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z. router(config)#hostname RouterA (sets the router's name) RouterA(confi g)#enable secret cisco (Sets the secret password for the router) RouterA(config)#line vty 0 4 (there are five concurrent connections for the telnet ports coming into a Cisco 2500 router. We are setting the login password on all five of them) RouterA(config-line)#login (This enables the router to require a login password for a telnet session to the router) RouterA(config-line)#password cisco (this sets the login password for all 5 telnet sessions coming into the router as cisco) RouterA(config-line)#exit RouterA(config)#^Z (This is the key combination of control+z which takes you back to the privileged executive mode) RouterA# RouterB router>en router#config t Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z. router(config)#hostname RouterB (sets the router's name) RouterB(config)#enable secret cisco (Sets the secret password for the router) RouterB(config)#line vty 0 4 (there are five concurrent connections for the telnet ports coming into a Cisco 2500 router. We are setting the login password on all five of them) RouterB(config-line)#login (This enables the router to require a login password for a telnet session to the router) RouterB(config-line)#password cisco (this sets the login password for all 5 telnet sessions coming into the router as cisco) RouterB(config-line)#exit RouterB(config)#^Z (This is the key combination of control+z which takes you back to the privileged executive mode) FYI: Anytime you make a configuration change to a router and you
access point vs router
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