There are many things to be mindful of when exercising, so that the process involved is both a pleasant one and a profitable one. If proper planning and forethought are not observed before beginning an exercise regimen, it is possible to become disheartened and frustrated with the process before it has a chance to fully take effect in a person's life.
In the case of using a treadmill, it is important to consider how capable a person is when they are as they are beginning, how much time they are able to invest over time, and how hard they are willing to work. This allows for realistic planning to begin, as people can objectively weigh their capabilities and commit to a schedule of workout times.
Before getting officially started, the user should try to establish a baseline for their abilities by doing a moderately straining run on the treadmill. Record results and the level of difficulty, as well as the time when the user began to grow tired.
Now that a baseline has been taken, the issue of time commitment should be discussed. Whoever is working out needs to set aside time a few times a week to regularly use the treadmill.
It is only by building a pattern that the equipment can be effective, because the repetition builds habit, which will be the deciding factor in the overall outcome of the pursuit. If a person incorporates the workout into their daily or weekly routine, then it does not seem like a sacrifice to do so.
Deciding on a time invested lies with the user, but it is critical that the routine be repeated, preferably every day during the same time. However, this is not always possible, so prioritizing a set amount of time per week will suffice.
Now that the effective time frame has been decided, the issue of difficulty should be discussed. For some, beginning on a very difficult setting and advancing from there will serve as an effective challenge guaranteed to be strenuous and exhausting. This will leader to fairly quick results if it is observed and can be maintained.
However, for new treadmill users, it may be comfortable to start on an easy setting after establishing the baseline and incrementally work their way up. Doing this will allow for slow, steady growth over time, which is an equally viable alternative if the user can commit to a longer regimen of fitness.
Lastly, the user needs to decide on their ultimate goal. This is a long term goal that is constantly being worked toward, and represents the end of the journey and the ultimate metaphorical payout after.
For some, this goal may be weight loss. This is an easily measured objective that can be effectively tracked over time and weighed as a ratio of time invested over weight loss.
Being able to feel and see a physical change can be great incentive when using a treadmill to reach this goal. This objective is both a compelling and achievable one, and is quite common to see among new users or those returning to a fitness program after an absence.
Other people may be striving for a certain time or intensity setting on the treadmill. For those wanting to reach this goal, it will be an involved grind requiring patience as endurance and capabilities build as the sessions go on.
This objective is easily doable, and is more predictable than weight loss, which fluctuates and burns according to person instead of measurable increments. Those who adjust a certain amount a session can hit these objectives in an almost guaranteed way, because it simply requires a commitment to the increase.
Still others may opt to use the treadmill to hit a certain heart rate or blood pressure. Much like losing weight, this process may be a little more unpredictable than hitting an exact time or difficulty, because every person differs in their requirements and what their body will do in response to the exercise.
Setting realistic, achievable goals that encourage progress and tenacity are important when using a treadmill. If a person can see tangible evidence of progress, they are much more likely to return to and pursue the activity further, until they reach their ultimate goal.
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