The ID card has always been a part of the security system of a company. It does not matter if the ID cards only displays the name and photo of the wearer or these are HID access cards. The purpose remains the same - to provide protection for the company. The difference lies on how successful it is in doing its job. Does it work or not? Different companies have different needs. The size of the company has to factor in as well as the nature of the business. For companies with just a handful of employees, a simple ID card does the job. However, size is of no consequence if the company has the high security risks. Access cards work best for such a company.
Companies have seen the value of using HID proximity cards. They have invested on this kind of security system and have reaped its rewards. Using this system enabled them to maximize the use of the ID cards, as well as, their security personnel thereby enhancing the safety and protection of the company. If you are looking for better security solutions, this is what you need. Access cards or smart cards have helped companies to secure company premises not only from outsiders but also from within. Offices needing restricted access are thereby secured and even highly confidential computer data are not easily accessible to just anybody.
HID access cards can have a magnetic stripe, bar code or a microchip wherein a specific code or data are encoded. This is the key to making the system works. The card swiped through the reader, usually installed near the door, provides access to the ID card holder. If the code matches the authorization information in the computer system, the access control panel will receive a signal from the system and the door will open. If the code does not match, the door remains close to the holder of the card. Installing this system in entryways leading to restricted areas will ensure that these areas remain secure. You are controlling and limiting access of these areas to authorized personnel only. There is no need for a security officer to stand guard to ensure this.
The same security solution provides the necessary safeguards needed within your computer network. You can install card readers in every computer within the company and link it to the system. Employees need to swipe their HID proximity cards through the reader to log on in the system. You can even program it in a way that only those with the right authorization code can access highly confidential data. Without the right code, you cannot do editing, copying or printing of these sensitive and confidential data.
Security personnel can conveniently make adjustments on the security level given to certain employees if the situation calls for it. They can easily rescind authorization. They can also control access to these restricted areas by limiting access at certain days and at particular hours only. High risks facilities have far more secure system with the use of biometrics or additional passwords. The use of HID access cards has been very effective in providing increased security. More companies are now availing of the system because of the high security they provide.
access point vs router
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