joi, 14 martie 2013

How To Connect A Netgear Rangemax Wireless N Gigabit Router WNR3500 To A Laptop With Windows 7. - Computers - Networks

Windows 7 is without doubt the best Windows operating system I have come across. Up until now Windows XP has been the operating system of choice. One day I attempted to connect a laptop to the Internet via a Wireless N Router without the software upgrade for Windows 7 and encountered a few challenging moments. If anyone else has the same problem then I hope this article assists you in your endeavors.

There are times when the learning curve in this technologically challenging information age can seem like a mountain range. Once you conquer one peak or obstacle and you think you are the smartest fellow on the planet, another task presents itself and you are off to the medicine cabinet for another blood pressure tablet. I thought it would be a good idea to document the recent experience I had when trying to access the internet on a new laptop in a friend's home using a modem and a wireless router. The reason is that I would have liked it if someone had previously documented the same experience for me. It sure would have saved me some time.

The Netgear Rangemax Wireless N Gigabit Router WNR3500 is a fine bit of gear. I have used this hardware in a couple of places to access wireless internet. It was used previously with the operating system Windows XP with an iPstar Satellite Terminal iCON Series Modem. The setup was easy because all I had to do was install the software and follow the instructions. It was a piece of cake.

I recently purchased a new laptop from Acer emachines E727. On a side note, this machine was itself a bargain from Umart priced at AUD$570 with a AUD$69 cash back offer. I am rather suspicious about these cash back offers as I am still waiting for one from Microsoft Australia when I once purchased a set of headphones. That is another set of videos. Anyway, I was trying to use the router to access the same wireless internet connection using Windows 7 Home Edition as the operating system. I tried to install software using CD version 2.0 I received with the router but the error message I received stated that I had a compatibility problem with the version of Windows I was running. I searched Google for a software upgrade to solve the compatibility problem and had no luck so I rang the Netgear Support contact number.

It is a good idea to confirm that you actually have an internet connection so initially I connected an ethernet cable from the modem to the RJ45 ethernet port on the laptop.

Once internet access was confirmed I connected the laptop to the modem through the router. The modem is connected to the router via an ethernet cable from the modem to the yellow access point marked 'Internet' on the router. I have another cable running from ethernet output connection 1 on the router to the RJ45 ethernet port on the laptop.

On the bottom right of the laptop there is the internet connection icon next to the speakers icon. When I moved the mouse over the icon it showed an old internet connection. This is where the problem lie so it was necessary to log in to the router to change the settings. This was achieved by typing in the browser window. I do not know about anyone else but I use use Mozilla Firefox as my browser. I love it.

The default values for the Netgear WNR3500 are; username: adminpassword: password

Under 'Setup', go to 'Wireless Settings'.

Go to Wireless Network.

Go to Name (SSID) and remove previous entry value.Enter a new name in the space for Name (SSID) so that you recognize the connection. The value can be a value of your choice and must be up to 32 alphanumeric characters. It is important to remember that this Name(SSID) must be assigned to all wireless devices on your network and that this value is case sensitive.

Go To 'Region' field and select your region from the drop-down list.

Go to 'Channel' field which determines which operating frequency will be used. I entered channel 11.

Go to the 'Mode' field and select the desired wireless mode. The default is "Up to 145Mbps", which is the neighbor friendly mode.

Under the 'Security Options' I Use 'WPA-PSK [TKIP]'. This is an acronym for Wi-Fi Protected Access with Pre-Shared Key. Use WPA-PSK standard encryption with TKIP encryption type. This is purely a bit of useless information for the useless information department.

At the bottom of the page under Security Options (WPA-PSK + WPA2-PSK) Passphrase, enter a word or group of printable characters in the passphrase box. The Passphrase must be 8 to 63 characters in length. Use something that you can easily remember. If you cannot think of anything, use your mobile phone number.

Click 'Apply' to have your changes take effect and the router will update. When the router has updated, return to the internet icon at the bottom right of the page and left click. You should have the new Name (SSID) as the internet connection. If everything has gone to plan, you can remove the cable and browse the internet, wireless style.

access point vs router

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