duminică, 2 septembrie 2012

Unleash The Power Of Your Broadband DSL With A Wireless Router - Technology

Wireless DSL internets are becoming the de facto standard in America. Everywhere you go - airports, restaurants, coffee shops, even Laundromats - wireless DSL internet is offered to patrons. These are called public hot spots and are increasing in popularity every day.

More and more homes are moving to wireless DSL internet as well. When you consider the convenience of losing that computer cable that has forever kept you anchored to your desk, and the increasing popularity of portable, laptop computers, there's very little reason to remain tethered to your wired connection.

So, what does it take to transform your wired DSL internet into an awesome wireless network? It's actually simpler than you might realize. In addition to your existing high-speed DSL internet, you really only need two pieces of equipment: a wireless router and a wireless network interface card.

A wireless router, available at any big-box home electronics store, is the key to your wireless DSL internet at home. The wireless router is a piece of relative inexpensive hardware that is connected to your high-speed DSL modem. Once connected and receiving the DSL signal, the wireless router then broadcasts your exact same DSL signal, except wirelessly.

A valid concern since your DSL signal is now being broadcasted wirelessly is about security and privacy. Wireless routers offer great security features, including restricting which computers can connect to the wireless signal, as well as encrypting the data that is flowing back and forth between the wireless DSL router and your computer. Security is easy to configure and the instructions are included with your router. It is highly recommended to setup a security features in your wireless DSL internet.

So, the router is in place and security has been enabled, how do you get that wireless signal into your computer? In short, your computer needs to be equipped with a wireless network interface card. This, too, is simpler than it sounds.

Almost every portable, laptop computer - whether PC or MAC - comes standard with a wireless adapter, which is capable of picking your wireless DSL signal with little to no configuration. Many desktop computers also come standard with a wireless adapter. However, even if you've got a model that didn't come equipped with a wireless adapter, the problem can be remedied easily.

When you're shopping for the wireless DSL router, let the sales specialist know that you think you also need a wireless adapter for your particular computer. They are inexpensive, easy to install, and work right out of the box will no more setup configuration that installing a piece of software or adding a printer.

What are you waiting for? Setting up a wireless DSL internet is simple, inexpensive, and certainly the direction all internet is headed. Wireless DSL internet is safe, simple, and secure.

access point vs router

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