duminică, 8 iulie 2012

Convert Outlook to Notes to experience better Mail Routing with Lotus Notes - Computers - Data Recovery

MS Outlook and Lotus Notes are two of the most extensively used Email platforms. Also, these are compared a lot on a number of their features. However, both of these email platforms are quite different from each other. On one hand MS Outlook is a simple email client and on the other hand Lotus Notes is a complete e-communication solution. But when compared with MS Outlook, Lotus Notes is a powerful email client in certain aspects and definitely an edge over the former.Any Lotus Notes user with administrative access rights can manage his/her emails stored in the Notes email application in any domain remotely; whereas, Microsoft Outlook users do not experience this facility of remotely email management. Mentioned below are the key steps involved in routing emails in the Notes mail system:1.Create an email message2.Append the address of the recipient and send the email message3.Lotus Notes router finds the message in MAIL.BOX, checks the routing table and determines the appro priate protocol that should be used to transfer the message. (Note- The recipient's server router finds the message (in MAIL.BOX) and delivers it to the required recipient's email file.)4.Recipient's server router finds the message (in MAIL.BOX) and delivers it to recipient's mail file5.Using Lotus Notes, you can easily retrieve the message from the mail file.Ease in Routed Workflow with the use of Lotus Notes Email Client1.Lotus Notes email client lets you have a well routed work flow within the organization. For example:2.Employee can complete forms and submit the purchase order online3.Router triggers an email message to the business manager automatically4.Business manager signs the purchase order digitally and sends it to the purchase team5.Purchase department validates the records and places an order with the vendor. This way, Lotus Notes offers a flawless email routing and well routed work flow can be attained easily.Owing to all these routing benefits, one can rightly term Lotus Notes as an ideal Enterprise Email Platform and this is the reason why large enterprises prefer Lotus Notes over MS Outlook.Expedient mail routing is considered essential within an organization which is growing in terms of size and scale of operations to induce ease of workflow management options; thereby making Lotus Notes a superlative choice as an email client for various enterprises. This is when most of the organizations feel the need to convert Outlook to Notes that involves transfer of email data from PST to NSF format. If you wish to convert Outlook to Notes use superior quality Convert Outlook to Notes software that can offer you professional help in transferring all your PST data to NSF format easily and securely.

access point vs router

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