SharePoint uses SQL Server technology as to store information such as site configuration and site content. You should consider carefully whether you need to access the database directly or not. Microsoft has strongly suggested that we should not access data directly from the DB.
"Customers are strongly advised against direct access in a read-only manner to these DB unless Microsoft protocol documentation is followed exactly. Accessing these DBs programmatically or manually could cause unexpected locking within Microsoft SQL Server that can result in overall performance problems."
Many people out there in the community disagree that there are harm in reading data directly from the table as reading the database would cause no data change orits structure change.
Typically when SharePoint is first installed it generates two DB. One is configuration DB and the other one is the content DB. The configuration database normally has a default name of Sharepoint_config and and content has a default name of wss_contnet.
Sharepoint_config: this is the configuration db that contains information about the moss server, SQL Server, farm configuration, patches, updates, users, security, custom templates, features and etc. Typically it has around 24 tables. You can find more about what these tables does in this article.
WSS_Content: The content database typically holds information about activated features for site, site collections, web page information, users related to site, groups, roles, membership, user subscriptions, role assignment and etc.
Keep in mind that when updating the database directly always uses the SharePoint API object Model. Before doing any update consider doing a backup of the SharePoint database.
access point vs router
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