luni, 10 octombrie 2011
test 3
In the base ten numeral system, іn almoѕt universal uѕe today fоr mathematical operations, thе symbols for natural numbers аrе written uѕing ten digits: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, аnd 9. In thiѕ base ten system, the rightmost digit оf a natural number hаѕ a place vаlue оf one, and evеry other digit hаs а place vаlue ten times thаt оf thе place value оf thе digit to itѕ right.
In set theory, which іs capable of acting aѕ аn axiomatic foundation fоr modern mathematics,[2] natural numbers can be represented bу classes of equivalent sets. For instance, the number 3 саn be represented аs thе class of all sets thаt hаvе еxасtlу threе elements. Alternatively, іn Peano Arithmetic, thе number 3 іѕ represented аs sss0, whеrе s is thе "successor" function (i.e., 3 іs thе thіrd successor оf 0). Many dіffеrеnt representations аrе possible; аll that is needed tо formally represent 3 iѕ tо inscribe a certаin symbol оr pattern of symbols thrее times.
test 2
Article marketers
Thеѕe lеft braіn cоnсеptѕ whiсh allow nоn-аrtіѕts tо bе gооd аt thіngѕ lіkе buѕіnеѕs, ѕciеnce аnd mаthеmatiсѕ arе nоt ѕkills thаt artіѕtіc, right-brainеd peoplе fіnd interestіng or еasily underѕtoоd. On a ѕurfaсe level, everу artіѕt knоwѕ it's imрortant and necessarу to sрend thе timе аndоftеn times monеу on thе promotion of their work, but whеn it сomеs tо putting thеѕе сonсeptѕ intо prасticе, it becоmeѕ a mіnd-numbing andраinful task to bе put off for anothеr daу; anоther day, whiсh, lеt's face іt, nеvеr соmeѕ.
Thаt іs where sіtеѕ lіke CоіART.соm, Dеvіа, Art.cоm аnd even ѕоcіаl medіа outlets ѕuсh аs Fаcеbоok.соm reallу сomе in hаndу. Suсh Online rеѕоurceѕ аre kеу іn gеnerating nеw сlіеntеle, ѕtayіng іn соmmuniсаtіоn with еxіѕtіng clіentеle, аnd gеnerаtіng ѕalеѕ. Sоmе of theѕe sitеs not оnlу helр аrtistѕ prоmоtе their wоrk, they аlѕо lеt artiѕts sell theіr wоrk. Thоugh а hoѕt оf рowerful оnlіnе toоlѕ, thеse ѕіteѕ mаkе it pоsѕible for аrtists tо сreatе their pеrsonаl profilе pаges, cоnnеct wіth Art Enthusіаsts, Art Schoоlѕ and Art Businеѕѕеs and in ѕomе саѕes еvеn ѕеll their wоrk dіreсtlу frоm thеir рrоfile раgeѕ.
Somе ѕiteѕ allow usеrѕ to creаte аnd rеgiѕtеr for еvents, grоups аnd blogs, crеаte frоnt-pаge articles, pоst vіdeоѕ, and so much mоre. Evеn if уouаlrеady hаvе a wеbsitе thаt yоu аrе maintаіning, theѕе ѕites cаn bе uѕеd tо direct new vіѕіtorѕ tо уour sіtе аs well аs gеnerаte highеr ranking inѕeаrсh еngіneѕ duе to thе сrеаtіon оf bаcklіnkѕ tо yоur persоnаl wеbsite from thеѕе ѕite. Mоst arе frеe to jоіn with coѕts for salеs or licenѕing оf yоur іmаgеѕ, but thе benefіts of mаrkеtіng and SEO (Sеаrch Enginе Oрtіmizаtion) are wоrth the minimal coѕts аssoсіаted wіth them. It'ѕ іn the artіѕts bеѕt intеrеѕt, artіѕtѕ loоkіng to tаkе thеіr саreerѕ tо the nеxt lеvеl, to invеѕt in thеmselvеs and іn their buѕineѕѕes аs аrtistѕ. When аnаrtіst can tаkе their mаrkеting аnd рrоmоtion to а ѕоcіal levеl, еѕрecially оnlіne, iѕ whеn thе artіst саn trulу mаke аn art оf аrt рromоtion.
duminică, 9 octombrie 2011
Bosch Router Bits
These bits are available in either solid carbide, carbide tipped and steel variations depending on the users preference and the project at hand.
The patented micro grain carbide keeps the cutting edge sharp for up to 30-percent longer than standard micro grains, meaning you spend less time replacing bits and more time working. Bosch makes sure that you have the correct router bit no matter what the material is or project you have undertaken.
Bosch router bits work with wood, acrylic and MDF to name a few materials. With 500 options to choose from, you can rest assured you will find the one you need. Noted for their longer shanks, Bosch router bits allow you to utilize the entire length of the bit.
Not only does this allow for a more even wear on the bit, but the quality of the cut is improved as well.
For those who are just beginning to get into woodworking, it might be worth taking a look at the Bosch Multi-Construction Bit. This bit is geared towards working with wood, masonry, ceramic, plastic and metal. One could say it is a Jack of all trades without loosing the high quality that Bosch is known for.
If you are going to be doing a lot of work with one material in particular, then it is advisable to get a bit specific to that media. Bosch Multi-Construction Bits can be used with many rotary techniques and have a prolonged bit life, unlike other multi-construction bits that tend to wear and degrade with use.
Bosch router bits can be bought individually or in sets, depending on your rotary needs. Individual start around $15 and go up, while sets run about $100-200 depending on where you shop and how many bits in a set you purchase.
Bosch router bits are available in home improvement stores like Lowes and Home Depot, as well as online sites. Often times there are better prices online, but stores allow you to purchase and use the bit right away.
access point vs router
CNC Wood Router
A CNC wood router is a Numerical control tool that creates objects from wood. Parts of a project can be made and then assembled using a router to produce a complete project.
The CNC router works like a printer. Work is composed on a computer and then the design or drawing is sent to the CNC router for the hard copy. This outputs a 3-dimensional copy of the work. The CNC router uses a cutting tool instead of an ink jet.
The cutting tool is generally a router but other cutters can be used as well.
The CNC works on the Cartesian coordinate system (X, Y, Z) for 3D motion control. CNC stands for computer numerically controlled cutting tool. This gives the computer a printer like ability to drive a CNC machine to make parts.
For engraving and general purpose cutting all that is needed is some material to engrave or cut on and an engraving or cutting tool bit.
A file of a picture or part has to be converted to g-code. Clamp the work piece down and then use the driver program to zero the CNC and run the g-code file. This will command the CNC to make the desired parts for you, quickly and accurately. Use it for all kinds of projects to make PCBs, gears, molds, etc.
The CNC Router is great for hobbies, engineering prototyping, product development, art, robotic education, and production work.
How it works
A CNC wood router uses CNC (computer numerical control) and is similar to a metal CNC mill with the following differences:
The wood router typically spins faster with a range of 13,000 to 24,000 RPM
Low end hobby grade machines typically uses smaller tools typical shank size 20 mm or at most 25 mm. Professional quality machines frequently use surface facing tools up to 3" in diameter or more, and spindle power exceeding 15 horsepower. Machines capable of routing heavy material at many hundreds of inches per minute are common.
Some machines use smaller toolholders MK2 (Morse taper #2 - on older machines), ISO-30, HSK-63 or the tools just get held in a collet tool holder affixed directly to the spindle nose. ISO-30 and HSK-63 are rapid-change toolholding systems. HSK-63 has begun to supplant the ISO-30 as the rapid change standard in recent years.
A wood router is controlled in the same way as a metal mill, but there is a lot of CAM and CAD software like Artcam, Mastercam, Bobcad, and Featurecam specifically for wood routers.
Wood with different grain must be approached with unique strategies, and wood CAM software is less likely to need to have hog-out strategies than the metal ones. Wood routers are frequently used to machine other soft materials such as plastics at high speed.
Typical three-axis CNC wood routers are generally much bigger than their metal shop counterparts. 5' x 5', 4' x 8', and 5' x 10' are typical bed sizes for wood routers. But can be built to accommodate very large sizes up to, but not limited to 12' x 100'. Most table routers use a three motor drive system (xyz) utilizing either servo or stepper motors that drive the router motor via a gantry system. The gantry system isolates the XYZ movement in the top part of the machine with a stationary table holding the workpiece. Many CNC metal mills have the cutter motor moving on the Z axis, and a table which moves in X and Y for added stability.
Many wood routers can run at machining speeds of 25 metres/min (linear) or faster with a few machines such as the Anderson capable of 40 metres/min, Onsrud capable of 86 metres/min.
For more information on CNC Wood Router you can visit /
access point vs router
Router Manager Download
In a relatively large local area network, there are usually multiple regular routers, wireless routers, wireless APs and switches. After a period of continuous running, there could be slowing down of network speed or even no-response failures. These require restart of the routers and switches. Unfortunately, most routers and switches cannot restart at a specific time, so we have to manually restart these network devices periodically.Grab A Copy Click here
If you have a server in the local area network that runs continuously for a long time, or a machine that can boot at a specific time, you can be freed from the cumbersome work. Router Manager is a router utility that can restart local/remote routers or switches at specific times and reduce the probabilities of network failures, and therefore, save you a lot of time and energy.
The router manager is the component of a Windows NT/Windows 2000 router that starts and manages the different routing components. The components include routing protocols, the routing table manager, and the multicast group manager.Grab A Copy Click here
Virtual Desktop is a desktop manager to create many virtual desktops and switch among them. With Virtual Desktop, your computer screen seems being enlarged many times. You can organize your windows and put related windows into one desktop and keep your screen clear and well organized. Virtual Desktop provide you three methods to switch among desktops: switching window, shortcuts and hotkeys. Additionally, skin and many features are configurable.
Now you can automatically log into your broadband router without being prompted for your username and password every time! Using the Automatic Router Login Utility, you will not be 'bugged' by the prompt each time you log into your router. All you do is enter the information once and it is stored in a specially encrypted database file.Anytime you want to log into the router, simply click on the Router Login button.. 1001 Lines and Coolumns puzzle games, free to download games pack demo. Home of 1001 Lines and Coolumns addictive puzzles.
Grab A Copy Click here
access point vs router
Wireless CCTV - I Cannot Contact My Camera, Part 1
Wireless CCTV, as it is known, is becoming widely used in homes, holiday homes and businesses. It is CCTV over the internet, the digital replacement for those old analogue CCTV cameras, and enables you to see your property, live, from anywhere. I always advise home users to buy a fully-configured system that just plugs in, to keep things simple, but some people prefer to go their own way, and one of the common problems that the DIY beginner hits is that moment when he tries to log in over the internet to see the treasured home, and sees nothing! This article is the first of two in a series that explains some of the common causes of this problem and how to overcome them.
Now, we're going to start with the simple stuff and then work our way to the more technical. Firstly, you or someone near the camera should check the power. I have lost count of the number of times that customers have phoned to tell us that the camera is "broken" or "fried" or "dead". We always ask "Exactly what lights do you see at the back of the camera?" only to be told "Ah, yes, erm, it appears to be working now"! So check the obvious thing first. Still not working? The next thing to check is power at the router; again you should see at least some lights. If all is well, take a more detailed look at the lights on the router. Is the broadband light lit? (You may need to check the manual to see which light this is.)
The next checks are done through the web browser on your laptop or PC - and this is where things get more technical. If you are far away from the property where the camera is located, these checks may be your only option. The first thing to do is to see if you can log into the administration pages of the router over the internet, in other words, see if you can reach the network in the property where the camera is. (If your router has not been set to allow remote administration, you will be stuck, and should set this up next time you are at home!) You will need to know the internet or WAN IP address of your broadband connection, or the domain name if you use a dynamic domain name service such as dyndns.
Don't confuse the internet or WAN IP address with the internal or LAN one - here we are NOT looking for an address like Remember that the address of your router, depending on the model and configuration, may end in a port number such as 8080. If you don't know the address of your camera and you're away from the property, you are stuck. Assuming you have the address, you will also need the admin user name and password for the router. If can log into the router's administration pages, this means that the broadband line is working and the home network is too. If you can't get this far, there could be a problem with the broadband line or the router, but you can only tell which by checking the lights on the router, which is obviously not possible if nobody is near it. You could always try to call the helpline of the broadband supplier if you are desperate and unable to get back to the property for a while, but getting them to test the line is not a trivial task and it may cost money if they find out there was no fault.
Assuming you have connected to the router, next you need to check that the wireless CCTV camera is talking to the network. Router models vary, but look for the wireless section, and somewhere you should find a list of "clients" currently connected to the network. If there is a refresh button on this page, hit it. The camera's name should be in the list. If it is not, then the camera is not talking to the network. In this scenario, the camera will need to be physically switched off and on again, and possibly also the router too. If you are away from the property and there is nobody else there, again you are stuck.
The next article in this series will help you if your camera is connected to the router but you still cannot see its picture.
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